Friday, April 6, 2018

Math, Technology & STEM at the CLIME NCTM Meeting: a Closer Look (Part 3)

Figure 1
NCTM is introducing a new book at the conference: Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics. There are 2 paths proposed: (1) a 4-year course that ends with Calculus and (2) an alternative that devotes the final year and a half to math electives such as statistics, probability, modeling, and precalculus. Electives sound promising for good students who would love to get away from the 4-year "Royal Road to Calculus" path and do something more meaningful in the time they have left in high school. STEM programs which would be excellent alternatives are left out of the discussion. With all due respect, Mr. Larson, Math Education alone is NOT STEM education! For a senior that would do a STEM project that illuminates the mathematics that he has been learning could be a game changer for that student. He may actually see the value of math for the first time since elementary school.

So despite my recent disappointments with the turn of events and my leaving as president of CLIME I'm an optimist at heart and believe strongly that we still need an organization that will not be afraid to step out of the box and challenges unproductive directions that NCTM likes to follow.  I hope one of you who agrees with me and will step forward and take the mantle of CLIME to the next level whatever that turns out to be. (Maybe Council for STEM in math education?) I will continue to be a friend of CLIME (our designation for member). If you are so inclined to lead CLIME into the future, please let me know ( Also, let me know if you are planning to attend the 30th annual CLIME meeting.

CLIME “After Hours” No Frills Meeting in Washington, DC
We will be holding a CLIME get together in Washington to celebrate 30 years of CLIME participation as an affiliate group of NCTM.

Date: Thursday, April 26, 2008
Time: 7:15-8:15 (right after Shadowcon)
Room: Marquis Salon 14 (Marriott Marquis)

I apologize for multiple copies of this announcement, but I want to make sure that CLIME members are aware of the challenges that lie ahead. STEM is NOT about separate courses for math, science, engineering, and math but an overlap of these topics. (See figure 1.)

This is more than just an advocacy position but a plan for a transparent curriculum designed for students to learn about STEM intrinsically. It's new and it needs lots of work to make it real in the lives of students. I hope you join us in this effort. If you're going to Washington later this month, please stop by our meeting time and share your vision of STEM in math education. Our leaders are not doing it!

NCTM Annual Meeting & Technology (A Closer Look - Part 1)
NCTM Annual Meeting & Technology (A Closer Look - Part 2)
CLIME Renaissance 2018?


  1. Ihor,

    Thank you so much for your years of service to this organization. I hope that someone is able to take on the lead. I am interested in the mission of the organization but I am not able to take this on myself due to time commitment involved and my inability to guarantee that I can attend every annual meeting.

    But I hope there is someone enthusiastically waiting in the wings who is willing to take this role on!


    1. I hope so too. I'll be in Washington on Wednesday pursuing this challenge!

  2. I, too, hope as strong an advocate for change as you have been, will step forward to continue to push.

    This statement alone -

    we still need an organization that will not be afraid to step out of the box and challenges unproductive directions that NCTM likes to follow

    speaks volumes.

    Thank you for your work.

    1. Thanks, Seth. Will you be at the conference? If so, I hope to see you there.

  3. I won't be at the conference but hope to take advantage of as many virtual experiences available.

  4. I'll be commenting on the sessions that I attend. It should be a fun ride!
