Sunday, January 31, 2010

What did we learn at Educon in Philadelphia last Weekend?

The two day Educon 2.2 conference ended on Sunday. The organizers wanted this not to be a technology conference but rather an education conference... "where educators can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools." I was one of the virtual attendees who was trying to learn all I could about how this kind of conference could be useful for math educators. I came away impressed and inspired to continue to work towards setting up an online math conference in the near future. Discussion about it has started at the Mathfuture Google site.
In the meantime CLIME’s first effort will be a Math 2.0 Unconference at Vendor Booth #230 at the NCTM conference in San Diego. Yes, CLIME has a booth and our goal will be to spread the word as to what Math 2.0 is all about. If you are planning to be at the conference in person or would like to "participate" in the event from afar, please let me know. (You can post a comment or email me at If you are new to the notion of Math 2.0 check out some of my previous blogs.
  • Math 2.0 – Making a Virtual Splash in San Diego? (link)
  • Some Math 2.0 Bigger Picture Items (link)
  • In Search of Math 2.0 (i.e. What is Math 2.0?) (link)
Math 2.0 Events
A week long, online Math 2.0 unconference - sponsored by CEET
Date: February 12th to 19th

Topic: Math 2.0: Tools & Resources for 21st Century Learners.


I see Math + Web 2.0 as utilizing Web 2.0 to increase math skills, math knowledge, and math understanding. 

Students can create, collaborate, and communicate about math. -Jennie Gibson - speaker at NCTM conference in Washington '09
Math 2.0 involves the effective and creative use of technology (and in particular, dynamic math software) in empowering students mathematically in a Web 2.0 world. - Climeguy