This year is interesting in that there isn’t a tool & technology strand. My thought was that there would be a much lower number of tech oriented sessions since all speakers would pick one of the proposed trends & topics for their talks. Fortunately, many of the speakers managed to include a tech session within the context of the proposed themes which were broad enough to include technology.
Ideally we shouldn’t need a tech & tool strand because most of the presenters (by this time) should be tech savvy enough to demonstrate how they use tech within the context of their theme-based talk/workshop/burst. But based on the number of presentations (12%) mentioning some form of technology I don’t think we’re at a point in time where we can ignore what the revised technology principle envisions.
Technology sessions: Out of 760 sessions there were 93 that were tech related. See list here.
In my next blog post I’ll go into more detail about some of them.
A reminder: Our annual CLIME meeting will be held on Thursday. Here are more details.
CLIME's Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 4, 2019
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel
Room: Aqua 310
If you are planning to attend please let me know. Link.
More information will follow in our next blog post.
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