If you are going to the NCTM conference, you can be a friend of CLIME and help us a bit.
As you may know CLIME is an at-large-affiliate group of NCTM – now in its
23rd year - working hard to help change the current prevailing paradigm of teaching and learning as a passive endeavor to a more proactive one where students and teachers work together to create empowering learning environments using dynamic math and Web 2.0 tools – something we call Math 2.0.
And we are doing this disruptively (see footnote #1) from the inside out! If you want to learn more about CLIME’s friendly disruptive activities visit us in our
booth #326 in the exhibit area. Also, we need some help. We need volunteers to:
- represent CLIME at the NCTM affiliate at-large Caucus meeting. (See footnote #2). Since David and I are leading a discussion special interest group session at NCSM (#351) we will not be able to attend. No previous experience needed. All you need is an interest in (1) how NCTM works "behind the scenes" (2) how CLIME pursues its vision and (3) spending some bb time talking about 1 & 2 with David and me.
- Suggest ideas for the long, overdue revised constitution that CLIME is currently working on.
- Spend some quality time (an hour) at the CLIME booth chatting about the CLIME vision and learn more about how Web 2.0 is helping to transform professional development.
Thanks. Hope to see you at the conference. We’ll be in booth 326 starting on Thursday at 8:30 when the exhibit hall opens. Tweet or email me if you want connect sooner. I’m joining a few attendees at a Tweetup on Tuesday, April 12th. Follow me @climeguy or email me for more details.
Thanks - Ihor
@climeguy & ihor@clime.org
1. In the best sense of word as coined by the authors of “
Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns”
2. Regional Caucuses will be held at the NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Wednesday, April 13, 2011, at the Indiana Convention Center at the following times and locations:
2:00–4:00 p.m.
Affiliates-at-Large Caucus: Room 108