Saturday, March 16, 2019

Council for Technology in Math Education Annual Meeting Agenda

31st Anniversary Meeting
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
San Diego, CA
Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Room: Aqua 310


Ihor Charischak

Teaching Outside the Box: 
Integrating Technology into your Math Practice
Dr. Patricia Dickenson
Teachers' pedagogical decisions impact the function of technology and the role of technology to support, enhance and supplement student learning. This presentation will focus on the following questions: What planning decisions do teachers make to implement technology in the classroom? How is technology used by the teachers and students in the learning of mathematics? What routines and procedures are needed  to support in developing technological skill before students can integrate technology with subject matter. Teachers' technological content knowledge is paramount to the successful integration of technology. This discussion will explore pedagogical decisions that were made to infuse technology in a math class. We will discuss how technology can be purposefully used in connection with Blooms taxonomy to support learners in acquiring math content knowledge and create products of learning with web-based tools.

Short Math Stories with a Surprise Twist
Ihor Charischak

Making mathematics engaging for children is essential for math education to flourish. In this presentation you will learn about some fascinating ways to deepen students understanding to what math is all about (with the help of technology, of course)!

Discussion and closure
Ihor Charischak & Patricia Dickenson

Blog # 246

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pi day 2019

Click above to go the Pi page.