Monday, March 7, 2011

Indy Conference Preview Updates

Hello Math Bloggers!
Stop by the CLIME 2.0 booth #326 in the Exhibit hall to say hello and show your solidarity with the Math 2.0 vision by picking up and wearing a Math 2.0 sticker and then share with others about the power of Web 2.0 to enhance math teaching and learning.
Key Curriculum's Idea Board in San Diego
If you are not going to Indy you can still participate by sharing & promoting "what you are up to" virtually. I'm creating a website that will be a CLIME poster board for the conference where you can contribute your ideas. 
Key Curriculum had this wall for you to write on during last year's conference in San Diego. Ours will be online! So you will be able to contribute from near or far. Also we'll keep a twitter feed going. (Hashtag #nctm11) Click on the Wiffiti link on the right to see a cool way we will be sharing your tweets & mail messages.
New this year: Smartphones will be more useful for conference info this year. You will be able to keep track of conference goings-on on your Smartphone. (More about that later.) CLIME will organize a Tweetup at different times so you can find out who else shares your interest in using Web 2.0 tools for math. Who knows you may even get to meet your favorite math bloggers!
Recommended sessions. Here are two Math & Tech linchpins who are speaking on friday. They were also guest presenters on our weekly online Math 2.0 Elluminate sessions.
Patrick Vennebush - Session #404 - Friday
Profile & link to his Elluminate session: "Calculation Nation."
Karim Kai Logue - Session #551 - Friday
Profile & link to his Elluminate session: "Mathalicious."


  1. That photo makes me smile–– we had a great time with our old-school white board last year, and I look forward to seeing the teacher talk on your Clime virtual poster board. I hope you can stop by the Key booth this year!

