Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blogging, Tweeting and Web 2.0

Blogging became real for the first time at the NCTM meeting in Washington. After a limited trial balloon last year in Salt Lake City, NCTM created a Blogger site specifically intended for conference attendees to give some first hand information as to what what was going on at NCTM as close to real time as possible. Even closer to real time were a few tweets (See http://twitter.com/nctm and http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23nctm09) that informed followers of what others were experiencing at the conference.That is, of course, if they were able to find some available Wifi which was a challenge if you weren't willing to pay the $25 daily fee. There actually was a free Wifi area at the convention center near the Mt. Vernon/7th St. entrance. Not well publicized. I took a photo but forgot to post it so it obviously helped no one. Dave Powers set up a Ning group site for folks to share what they were learning and presenting at NCTM 09. I'm thinking about continuing to use the forum for CLIME updates and other issues related to math and technology teaching and learning. Here are some of the posts at this site.


  1. Thanks for the summary! You may want to try http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23nctm09 for the hashtag search - the other one's glitching.

  2. I fixed it. Thanks for letting me know! -Ihor
