Thank you so much for your email! I've read through the blog post and really appreciate you sharing it with us. The 2017 committee is in alignment with many of your ideas! I also thought it would be good to share with you a little about what the 2017 committee is doing related to technology at the 2017 conference.
- Five of my program committee members are very active in the MTBoS, and others are very avid users and promoters of mathematics educational technology. They are strongly encouraging more younger/newer NCTM members to submit proposals for review, many of which relate to technology. Technology is at the forefront of our discussions and I am so grateful for all of the 2017 committee members!
- Our focus strands have been very thoughtfully crafted and most align directly to the ideas in Principles to Actions. One of our strands focuses specifically on technology. Here is a description:
Sessions will focus on the effective use of technology in teaching mathematics. Within these sessions, presenters will address the purposeful implementation of technology, using technology to help students communicate their mathematical thinking, or using technology to visualize and understand mathematical ideas. When possible, sessions should address potential obstacles in order to prepare teachers to successfully resolve situations when technology implementation doesn’t go as planned.
- We have organized into subcommittees which are working hard to create a more community feel to the conference (Conference Theme: Creating Communities and Cultivating Change). Much of this involves technology innovations and integration. I applaud the innovations tested by the 2016 committee, and I think in 2017 we will be able to push these efforts further, and have it more visible in the program book.
Thank you again and feel free to reach out anytime! I look forward to meeting you in 2017.
Sarah Bush
Sarah B. Bush, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation
Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education
Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Rd.
Louisville, KY 40205
Twitter: @sarahbbush
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