Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Math Blogger Sphere Goes Viral (or so we hope with the growth of MTBoS)

As I mentioned in a previous blog entry NCTM has joined the blogosphere with three entries: one corresponding to each journal. I want to highlight one post corresponding to the middle school journal (Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School) written by John Golden* where he extolls the virtues of the Twitter Math Camp that occurred last summer. Here is a piece of John's blogpost:
A lot of my personal professional development experiences now come from interacting online—mostly through Twitter and blogs—with an amazing group of teachers from around the world. These teachers have become the self-declared Math-Twitter-Blog-o-Sphere (MTBoS). Members of the MTBoS are deluged by interesting reads and intriguing conversations, including accounts of classroom practice, assessment dissection and analysis, activity development, and even discussion of research. Three years ago, a small group decided to meet in real life in the summer, and Twitter Math Camp was born. Last year, the group met at Drexel University in Philadelphia, home of the Math Forum. This year, 150 of us met at a high school with a stunning STEM facility in Jenks, Oklahoma (pronounced “jinx”) for three days. more
One of the proud members of this group is Dan Meyer who wrote this about that. 

In the next CLIME Connections a guest blogger will share his take on the relationship between NCTM and the rise of these independent teacher bloggers. Stay tuned.

*John Golden, @mathhombre, is a member of the department of mathematics at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. He teaches math and elementary and secondary teacher preparation courses. At, he blogs about math games, geometry and GeoGebra, lesson ideas, and teacher prep. 

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