Friday, April 8, 2011

Key Curriculum's Ignite Session @ NCSM & Encore Performance @ NCTM

Ignite Sessions at NCSM & NCTM
Ignite @ NCSM
When: Tuesday, April 12th @ 11:15 a.m. 
Where: The Santa Fe Room at Indianapolis’ Downtown Marriott 
(More detail)
Ignite @ NCTM
Join us at Bartini's, 7 p.m. on April 15th. Please Ignite responsibly.
(More detail)

Tech related sessions at NCTM conference - An update

Do any of these key words inspire you to want to learn more about it at the NCSM/NCTM conference next week? This wordle was created using words from the titles and descriptions of all the tech-themed sessions at NCTM. Here is a list of all these sessions at NCTM (link).

Are you speaking at NCTM and would like to "improve" the current listing of your session (which you sent in last May) on the NCTM website? We can't change theirs, but you can change ours!  Go to the site CLIME technology-themed sessions and review your listing there. Then let me know (by email) if you want to change anything, share more info or add some reference links. I will make the changes for you immediately.

With the increased use of laptops and hand-held devices at NCTM conferences more attendees will be aware of the CLIME site and would use your latest information to help them make better informed decisions as to which sessions to attend. Also you can refer attendees to the CLIME site ( where they can click on "Click here"  to get to the sessions.

Want to stay better organized at the conference? There's an App for that. Get the new NCTM Conference app now available for Android and iPhone.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

At the conference we can get by with a little help from our friends

If you are going to the NCTM conference, you can be a friend of CLIME and help us a bit.
As you may know CLIME is an at-large-affiliate group of NCTM – now in its 23rd year - working hard to help change the current prevailing paradigm of teaching and learning as a passive endeavor to a more proactive one where students and teachers work together to create empowering learning environments using dynamic math and Web 2.0 tools – something we call Math 2.0.
And we are doing this disruptively (see footnote #1) from the inside out! If you want to learn more about CLIME’s friendly disruptive activities visit us in our booth #326 in the exhibit area. Also, we need some help. We need volunteers to:
  1. represent CLIME at the NCTM affiliate at-large Caucus meeting. (See footnote #2). Since David and I are leading a discussion special interest group session at NCSM (#351) we will not be able to attend. No previous experience needed. All you need is an interest in (1) how NCTM works "behind the scenes" (2) how CLIME pursues its vision and (3) spending some  bb time talking about 1 & 2 with David and me.
  2. Suggest ideas for the long, overdue revised constitution that CLIME is currently working on.
  3. Spend some quality time (an hour) at the CLIME booth chatting about the CLIME vision and learn more about how Web 2.0 is helping to transform professional development.
Thanks. Hope to see you at the conference. We’ll be in booth 326 starting on Thursday at 8:30 when the exhibit hall opens. Tweet or email me if you want connect sooner. I’m joining a few attendees at a Tweetup on Tuesday, April 12th. Follow me @climeguy or email me for more details.

Thanks - Ihor
@climeguy &

1. In the best sense of word as coined by the authors of “Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns

2. Regional Caucuses will be held at the NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Wednesday, April 13, 2011, at the Indiana Convention Center at the following times and locations:
2:00–4:00 p.m. 
Affiliates-at-Large Caucus: Room 108

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My list of sessions to attend at #NCTM11
Time's a wasting... Just 10 days before the Indy conference begins. If you are heading to Indy for a doubleheader: NCSM and NCTM here are some session ideas for both conferences:

NCSM Conference
SIGs on Wednesday afternoon. David Weksler and I will be facilitating the discussion on Math 2.0: New Opportunities for Collaborative Teaching and Learning Math with Internet-based Tools (Details)
Focus on STEM. Here's the listing of the sessions in the Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Strand. 
Other technology-themed sessions at NCSM.
108. Moving Your Faculty Toward Diagnostic Teaching, Formative Assessment, and Individualized Instructional Techniques. -Annie Fetter & Steve Rizberg
128. Dynamic Geometric Pathways to Functions Promote Conceptual Understanding of the Variation of Variables and the Behavior of Functions. -Scott Steketee
139. Designing and Teaching Mathematics Lessons to the iGeneration. -Eric Milou
143. It's About Time Publishing Sponsor Showcase: Incorporating Technology with a Standards-Based Program Produces Results. --James Kearns
168. The Ethics of Using Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and Other Advanced Technologies in High School Mathematics. -Zalman Usiskin
201. Common Standards and Uncommon Teaching: Different Paths to the Same Goal. -David Dockterman 
237. The Role of Electronic Media in Supporting Instruction. -Cal Armstrong, Art Mabbott

244. Key Curriculum Press Showcase: Ignite! Speakers Enlighten the Room with Fresh Ideas in Mathematics.-Karen Coe

List of all sessions - Link
Technology Showcase (vendor) sessions - Link

NCTM Conference
My wish list. If I wasn't tied to the CLIME booth for most of the conference or if I could clone myself, here are some friends of CLIME whose sessions I would definitely attend.
Thursday-April 14

Friday-April 15
*The above were (or will be) participant hosts of the Math 2.0 Live Elluminate event.

Follow Illuminations on Facebook. Find out what happened to Okta, the Calculation Nation® superhero. You could win a prize.

Taking a smartphone with you to NCSM and/or NCTM? Download NCTM conference mobile app (free) to find useful conference goer information.

Follow NCTM conference tweets at #nctm11 (Also check in #nctm for those not aware of #nctm11)

NCTM conference Tweetups!
Thursday, April 14 - 11:00am - Booth 326 in the exhibit hall. Use your smartphone app or online to find it! If you can't make it at 11 then stop by anytime so I can add you to the NCTM Conference twitter list. We'll schedule as many as interest indicates!
Thursday, April 14 - 6:00pm - Tweetup sponsored by McGraw Hill at Scotty's Brewhouse