At NCSM I'm leading a special interest discussion session entitled Math 2.0: A New Vision for Using Dynamic Math Software with Web 2.0 Tools on Wednesday 2:45-4:00 in the BC Windsor room at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel. Let me know if you would like to participate in this and share the work you are involved in.
At the NCTM meeting CLIME will be in the exhibit hall (Booth #230) highlighting how Math 2.0 is transforming how learning and teaching math is happening in this amazing Web 2.0 world. We are planning to do an "unconference" using the booth as a home base. We will be using Web 2.0 tools to share what's going on in the exhibit hall, talking to/interviewing conference attendees and holding impromptu sessions in the booth. I'm inviting math educators who have been immersed in this new world of Web 2.0 to participate in our 2-day event. Details will be blogged, tweeted, and broadcast in real (or very close to real) time. It should be a fun outing.
If you are planning to be at conference please stop by and say hello, volunteer some time, share an expertise you have, etc. All will be recorded for posterity - or not - assuming of course everything works. If you are not planning to attend you will be able to follow us on Twitter #math20 and NCTM conference goings at #nctm10. If you haven't done Twitter before you might want to try it out at this time. It's a great way to find out what people are thinking and doing while they are attending the conference.
More details about technology, math, the NCTM/NCSM conference are coming soon as CLIME prepares for the event. Please let me know if you are interested in helping our grass roots initiative in promoting Math 2.0 in San Diego. I would love to hear from you.
I'm currently putting together the preview of the technology sessions at both conferences. Will have it for you in my next post.
*For more about Math 2.0 see my blog entries: "In Search of Math 2.0" and "Math 2.0 – Making a Virtual Splash in San Diego?"