The two day Educon 2.2 conference ended on Sunday. The organizers wanted this not to be a technology conference but rather an education conference... "where educators can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools." I was one of the virtual attendees who was trying to learn all I could about how this kind of conference could be useful for math educators. I came away impressed and inspired to continue to work towards setting up an online math conference in the near future. Discussion about it has started at the Mathfuture Google site.
- Math 2.0 – Making a Virtual Splash in San Diego? (link)
- Some Math 2.0 Bigger Picture Items (link)
- In Search of Math 2.0 (i.e. What is Math 2.0?) (link)
Math 2.0 Events
A week long, online Math 2.0 unconference - sponsored by CEET
Topic: Math 2.0: Tools & Resources for 21st Century Learners.
Register at http://tinyurl.com/ylmvd7n
I see Math + Web 2.0 as utilizing Web 2.0 to increase math skills, math knowledge, and math understanding. Students can create, collaborate, and communicate about math. -Jennie Gibson - speaker at NCTM conference in Washington '09
Math 2.0 involves the effective and creative use of technology (and in particular, dynamic math software) in empowering students mathematically in a Web 2.0 world. - Climeguy