Saturday, May 1, 2010

Math 2.0 at NCTM Conference - A recap

May 1, 2010. 12:45 EST.
Hi there. I'm currently writing this as I'm flying home to White Plains, NY via Atlanta, GA. First time for me on a flight using Wifi. Very exciting!

I'm inviting everyone who attended, participated in anyway or is interested in the NCSM and/or the NCTM meeting in San Diego to join our Elluminate session this Wednesday, May 5th, 6:30pm (EST). If you have a written about the conference in any form please share your URL with us - even if you can't make the Wednesday session.

Early returns on where to find comments about the conference.
NCTM Conference Blog. Check that out. I've added a couple of entries myself.
Dan Meyer is blogging about both conferences in great detail. See

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing more about Math 2.0 at the San Diego NCTM meeting
